Workbooks are available at Bulk discount and free training on Zoom for teachers who order our books for their classes. (English and Afrikaans copies available)
The video lessons can be used to introduce topics and explain blocks in the classroom.
Each lesson’s theme is unique to South Africa and learners are exposed to facts about STEM subjects like solar energy, wind energy, rainwater harvesting, and the SKA telescope.
In each lesson, a few new blocks are explained in Scratch, so that learners can use most of the blocks after these lessons. Lists, gaming blocks and even cloning of sprites and integration of Scratch with the micro:bit is covered.
The lessons can be used without the workbook, although learners will need notes to refer to and keep all planning and notes together and the work books make assessment easy.
Scratch lesson 1 - Nationale Parks in South Africa
What you will learn today
Get to know the Scratch interface.
Change the background.
Add sprites
Remove sprites.
Change the size and position of sprites.
Save the project.
Scratch Lesson 2 - South African woman going to Mars
What you will learn today
When green flag clciked
go to random position
go to sprite
glide to random posistion
glide to sprite
point in direction
Scratch lesson 3 - Wind farm in Noupoort
What you will learn today
next costume
forever loop
draw sprites
import backdrops
Scratch lesson 4 - Plastic pollution
What you will learn today
move ( ) steps
if on edge bounce
set rotation style
when sprite is clicked
Scratch lesson 5 - Namakwaland ecosystem
What you will learn today
pen blocks
erase all
repeat loop
pick random
go to x : ( ) y: ( )
when space key pressed
Scratch lesson 6 - Kimberley diamond mine
What you will learn today
switch backdrop
when I receive
make title background
Scratch lesson 7 - Cango caves
What you will learn today
play ( ) sound until done
set volume to %
change volume by ( )
Scratch lesson 8 - Sound and music
What you will learn today
music blocks
play ( ) drum for ( ) beats
set instrument to ( )
play note ( ) for ( ) beats
rest for ( ) beats
Scratch lesson 9- Desalination of seawater
What you will learn today
change /set color effect
change /set fisheye effect
change /set whirl effect
change /set pixalate effect
change /set mosaic effect
change /set brightness effect
change /set ghost effect
clear graphics effects
Scratch lesson 10 - Rugby
What you will learn today
what is a variable?
create a variable
set variable to
change variable by
show variable
Scratch lesson 11 - Solar power
What you will learn today
Input of numbers
ask ( ) and wait
operators + – x /
Scratch lesson 12 - Harvesting rain water
What you will learn today
join ( ) ( )
equal to
less than
greater than
if then
if then else
Scratch lesson 13 - Hiking trails
What you will learn today
Principles of a line following robot
if color is touching color
turn clockwise
turn anti clockwise
logical not, and , or
point in direction (degrees)
touching another sprite
repeat until conditional loop
Scratch lesson 14 - Rhino poaching
What you will learn today
Display the current year, month, date, day of the week, hour, minute, or second