As part of STEM education, this module aims to expand young students’ understanding of electricity, circuits and. various electronic components
Science, technology, engineering and Mathematics are integrated with coding challenges in MakeCode connected to circuits in small scale models of real life situations
By giving students opportunities to explore STEM-related concepts, aim to develop a passion for it and hopefully pursue a job in a STEM field in the future.
Activities provide hands-on and minds-on lessons for the student to learn while having fun
To succeed in the information-based and highly technological society of the 21st century, students need to develop their capabilities in STEM to levels to increase their employability.
Students must interact with the world around them and interpret it. Students must learn to identify problems, consider various solutions, plan a design, make and code a project, test and debug their projects and reflect on the learning process to learn from mistakes Learners should not only be active participants, but in doing so should develop a critical mind.
The focus of teaching is more the making of meaning through learning than the transmission of facts, concepts and skills.
Hands-on Experience.
Lessons must introduce a new component and experiment with various applications in each lesson. Each lesson must build upon previous lessons so that concepts are revised several times.
Projects include
Concentration game: not to close circuit and ring buzzer
Recording studio red light when button is pressed green light when button is released
Recording studio red light when button is pressed green light when button is released
2 LEDs flicker alternatively
3 led traffic light
4 led traffic light with pedestrian button
Change sound frequency with trimpot
Display bar chart for voltage 0 to 3.3
Project to do the following in a model house:
Turn lights on and off with button/radio signal
Day Night Light outside house switches on when it is dark
Garage door opens with button/radio signal
Front door opens with button/radio signal
Switch on “TV” (picture on micro: bit) with button/radio signal
Music on play through Micro: bit and buzzer with button/radio signal
Change volume of “radio” (sound from micro:bit ) with
Alarm as window opens to break in with button/radio signal
Fan turns on when it is too hot
Dim the Lights with dimmer switch
Green Light when Alarm is not set, red light when alarm is set
Students are not provided with code or complete instructions and pictures of breadboards. The concepts are explained, and problems are solved guiding students through the problem-solving process. Assistance is available when questions are asked. Alternative solutions are encouraged and rewarded.
The design cycle is used for each project
1. Electricity
2. Circuits
3. Conductors
4. Isolators
5. Circuit drawings
6. LED
7. Power source
8. Breadboard
9. Pins on micro:bit without adapter only P0123
10. Resistor
11. Potentiometer
12. Photocell
13. Buttons
15. Servo
16. Motor
17. More Micro:bit pins using the adaptor
18. MakeCode read digital
19. MakeCode write digital
20. MakeCode read analogue
21. MakeCode write analogue
22. MakeCode servo write
23. MakeCode servo set
24. Use the Crickit extension to run motor and stop motor